Things that will save you time and money in Cancun

I'm vacationing in Cancun right now, a place where more than a million people a year visit year-round to get away from the daily grind. Cancun is a ecological disaster, so I don't really recommend you come here, but if you do, I have a few tips that you might enjoy.

First of all, Cancun isn't off-the-wall expensive (at least nowhere near as expensive as Miami, LA, or Vegas). On the other hand, there are definitely times you'll have when you know that you're being ripped off. For example, discounts are everywhere if you look for them. After my mom and I reserved a fishing trip, the concierge handed us 15% discount cards for every single restaurant in the hotel (we stayed at the Marriott Casamagna). I can't really tell you if this will happen in every single hotel on the strip, but hey, it never hurts to ask ;).

Another thing that will save you money is if you book in advance or on your own. Depending upon the travel agents in the hotels you stay at will cost you an extra 10-15% on top of the base price (this is considered a convenience fee). Do some Google searches for whatever it is that you'll want to do (swimming with the dolphins, deep-sea fishing, Chichen Itza). Most of the tours and trips have websites and will take reservations online.

Also, if you're planning on doing a fishing trip, see if you can find a few other people who can join up with your group. You can then charter a boat on your own, which will cost considerably less than letting the company setting up the groups for you.

Next, food. I recommend you drink the water, it's really OK. If you really don't trust the tap water, just remember to ask for no ice at restaurants (they don't make bottled water ice in case you're wondering). But seriously, no one I've talked to has had any problems with the tap water. And it tastes fine too.

Another thing. I stayed at the Hotel Casamagna. I had a few bad experiences here, if you want to know what they are, I'll write about them in a follow up.

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